eBay, Made Easy

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Final Checklist Before Listing

Listing multiple items into different categories is really energy sapping no matter what tool you use. A slight loss of concentration could mean undesired end results. Also checking what your competitors are doing helps you fair better in product placement department. There is no point in over pricing n article which is available at lower prices elsewhere. So you had always wished to have a simple last minute checklist. Following is a representative checklist for eBay sellers which can be customized or developed into individual situation.

Checklist for eBay Sellers

The checklist helps you prepare for listing over eBay.

1. Have you selected the right page design for your eBay store?

2. Have you inspected your merchandise? Are there removable dirt and stains? Did you find any scratches or wears? Have you stated these chinks in the description? How are you going to handle this or at least present this? Are you giving a discount because of this?

3. Have you taken 3 pictures; eBay charges for additional pictures. Do you need to retake photographs so they become clear and brighter? Do you think 3 photographs are enough to give a complete picture including the flaws?

4. Have you inserted all the keywords at strategic positions? Check the title and description.

5. Does the item description give complete and accurate information? Have you included relevant product specifications like dimension, model number, brand and condition? What about the shipping dimension and price? Don’t you need to provide your customer shipping cost calculated after packaging?

6. Do you need to reconsider the product pricing? Have you researched eBay prices for similar products through ‘Buy Now’ and reserve prices? Do you think this price will sell and also bring enough profits?

7. Have you checked the quality and aesthetics of your packaging? Or do you need to have packaging over factory package at all? Can it withstand and protect the item in shipping and handling?

8. Have you given multiple payment options? Have you indicated the landing cost for the customers?

Checklist assumes importance when missing a few may not give you another chance at all. Include or modify this list to suit your business.


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